Institute Profile

             With   the  laudable   objective   of   imparting   technical education  to   the  pupils   of   the  industrially   backward nilgiris  district,   the   government   polytechnic   was   started  in  the   year  1982  with  an   intake  of   120   students. Pending  construction  of own   building,   the   institution  was  initially housed in a sprawling   European   bungalow   near   hill bunk .In  1988 the   institution   was   shifted   to  the   present  premises after own  building were constructed in a sylvan surrounding  on the out –skirts   of  Ooty.  Began  with  only  four  branches  with a  moderate   intake  of   120   students   at  its inception, the college today offers six branches  namely civil, mechanical, electronics & communication , electrical & electronics, Instrumentation and control engineering and modern office practice.