
1.    All members of the teaching and non teaching staff of the polytechnic and all the full time students on the live rolls instutions are members of the library.
2.    Part time staff and visiting lecturer are also members of the library.
3.    The library is kept open from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm on all working day.
4.    Students members will be allowed to borrow two books at time from the library and to retain with them for period of not more than 14 days.
5.    If the book is not returned within the time allowed a fine of Rs.10  per day of default with be collected and the defaulted will not be allowed to borrow any other book till the fine is paid.
6.    Staff members will be allowed to borrow three book at a time and to retain them from 20 days and renewal may be made if necessary. On expiry of the renewal period the book must be returned to the library.
7.    All students members shall return the books borrowed by them atleast  six day before the final examination either at the end of the academic year  or the semester as the case may be 
8.    No book will be issued to students members during the vacation.
9.    Staff members can borrow books throughout the years subject to rules 6 and 10
10.    All books borrowed from the library shall returned before 30th of april even if the 14 days have not returned from the date of issue and no book will be lent during the period  0f annual stock verification.